Overview of the Company

Overview of the Company

Trade name Minato Mirai 21 District Heating and Cooling Co., Ltd.
  • (1)Projects involving heating and cooling with the supply of steam, hot water, cold water, etc.
  • (2)Other energy-related projects
  • (3)Projects involving the management and repair of buildings and facilities.
  • (4)Construction contracted under the Construction Business Act
  • (5)Other activities related or ancillary to the above
Location of head office 1-45, Sakuragicho 1-chome, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0062, Japan
Tel. 045-221-0321 (switchboard).
Capital ¥3 billion
Number of employees 67 (as of June 2024)
President and Representative Director Eriko Yakushiji
Deputy President and Representative Director Kazuhisa Hara
Managing Director Shigeru Sato
Managing Director Kazushi Minakawa
Director Masayuki Kataoka
Outside Directors Toru Takeda
(Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.)
Outside Directors Tsuguji Inoue (TEPCO Energy Partner, Inc.)
Outside Directors Minoru Takahashi
(Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.)
Outside Directors Kazuhiro Suzuki
(Yokohama City Office)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member Koichi Sakuma
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members Takeo Ishida (Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.)
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members Kenji Mori (The Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Major Shareholders
(Top Five)
Shareholder Share of total
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. 29.83%
TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated 19.73%
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. 19.73%
Development Bank of Japan Inc. 15.17%
Yokohama City 4.05%

(As of June 2024)