MM21 DHC is contributing to improving the value of Minato Mirai by delivering a stable supply of energy and decarbonization.
Minato Mirai 21 District Heating and Cooling (MM21 DHC) Co., Ltd. was established in October 1986. The aim of MM21 DHC was to improve the environmental performance of the Minato Mirai 21 district and contribute to its safety and comfort by providing a high-efficiency district heating and cooling (DHC) system.
Over the 30-odd years that followed1, MM21 DHC has striven to support the district’s growth while delivering stable supplies of low-cost, high-quality heating. Today MM21 DHC’s service area has become Japan’s top single heating and cooling district in terms of heat volume sold and floor area served2.
As an energy infrastructure company, MM21 DHC works every day to strengthen its operating base and create fresh value, under its corporate philosophy, “We contribute to enhancing urban value through the supply of energy.”
Our 2030 Vision spells out our target state for 2030 and the strategic issues we must resolve to attain that target state. MM21 DHC is marshaling its capabilities Company-wide on the themes of supporting stable energy supplies even in emergencies and contributing to the environmental value of the district.
In recent years, measures to alleviate the global risk of climate change have come into focus. The need to grapple with global warming, whether through reduction of energy consumption, decarbonization or by other measures, is intensifying rapidly.
Moreover, in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, cities are increasingly called to take on greater roles in improving area resilience in the face of disaster.
Minato Mirai 21 is designated as one of Japan’s advanced regions for decarbonization. MM21 DHC is working on many fronts to contribute to the district’s decarbonization efforts. We are implementing a range of measures to achieve decarbonization in energy, for example by reducing to zero our emissions of CO2 from the use of electricity to generate thermal energy by 2030. MM21 DHC is also continuing to uphold the stable supply of thermal energy and strengthen its business continuity plan (BCP), growing with the Minato Mirai 21 district and supporting its development.
1 In November 2023, MM21 DHC will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its start of operations in Minato Mirai 21. 2 As of April 2024, the Company supplies 68 customers. Eriko Yakushiji President and Representative Director